The Network becomes the business... You must ensure network performance and security, prevent network problems, conduct effective troubleshooting and take actions quickly to solve possible problems. You need to know how your network bandwidth and other resources are used for accounting, auditing or for network planning purposes. You need to monitor network traffic and conduct forensic analysis to ensure that company policies are followed and violations are recorded and stopped timely. You may have problems in your newly deployed applications and must know what's wrong and fix the problems immediately. You are developing a new application and need a handy tool to assist you in debugging and testing by examining every packets and messages. Or, for whatever reason, you just need to have a quick peek of the packets passing through the network ......
Yet the cost for such solutions is high and the complexity of many such tools had stopped people from using them.
Javvin is committed to provide high quality, easy to use and affordable solutions to help you solve problems. With a small investment in the Network Packet Analyzer CAPSA and minutes of self training, you are well on your way to address those challenges and to accomplish your mission effectively.
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